Origin Story

Kevin has lived in the Lake Tahoe area since he was two years old in 1991. He grew up in Incline Village and Reno, where he met his future wife Erin in high school. They got married in 2015 and traveled along the Pacific coast from Seattle to Long Beach, before moving to Placerville in 2018.


Seeking a rural community in which to bring their children into the world, Kevin and Erin found a home in El Dorado County. In 2021 they bought land in Somerset / Omo Ranch and are currently in the process of building a home and establishing an organic fruit and vegetable farm.


Kevin graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 2011 with a degree in English and technology entrepreneurship. He has built a career in business consulting for project management, government affairs, and regulatory compliance services. He is well-versed in the workings of local government and the policymaking process.

Community involvement

As Treasurer of the Omo Ranch Fire Safe Council, Kevin is actively engaged in helping the communities of South County become more secure against the threat of wildfire.


The Caldor Fire started mere miles from Kevin's property while the purchase was pending. He is keenly aware of the risk of wildfire, and the importance of community efforts for preventative measures.

home and family

Kevin and Erin have two daughters, Isla (5) and Aria (3) and plan to build their family in El Dorado County for decades to come. They are committed to improving the society and environment their children will inherit.

Why I Am Asking for Your Vote

El Dorado County is home to some of the most innovative and resilient people in America, but our leadership in the Board of Supervisors is lacking.


From young families to retirees, everyone feels the effect of our housing crisis as the cost of living soars. The County can't control inflation, but can increase the supply and thus reduce the cost of housing.


Our aging and reactionary Board lacks the vision and initiative to confront challenges and implement changes. It is clear, as a concerned citizen, that new leadership is needed.


I love this County, but fear for the world we will leave for our children. We owe it to them, and ourselves, to fix our system and solve the housing crisis so we all can afford to live here.


I believe I can help lead this process. I humbly ask that you join me by voting McCarty for District 2 Supervisor in 2024.